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The Terpel logo tells a story

Terpel today is one of the most important brands in the fuel industry in Colombia. …Read More

Profile Photoadmin_edscoAugust 27, 2020

Primax, a better version

In August of 2004 Grupo Romero del Peru buys Shell's network of fuel stations in the …Read More

Profile Photoadmin_edscoJuly 25, 2020

Cepsa and the station of the future

It is common in the service station industry to see that they seek to renew themselves to give their best image of the …Read More

Profile Photoadmin_edscoJune 28, 2020

How Service Stations are classified

The classification of Service Stations may vary according to the target market, setting, products, brand and / or location, …Read More

Profile Photoadmin_edscoMay 7, 2020

Implementation of Alternative Energies in Colombia

The world today depends on hydrocarbons as its main source of energy, but nevertheless, a large part has already been consumed …Read More

Profile Photoadmin_edscoApril 28, 2020

Overview of the Oil Industry in Colombia

Photo source: Vanguardia The first concessions for the exploration and exploitation of oil in Colombia were signed by the government …Read More

Profile Photoadmin_edscoApril 15, 2020
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