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Implementation of Alternative Energies in Colombia

The world today depends on hydrocarbons as its main source of energy, but nevertheless, Much of this non-renewable energy source has already been consumed, what confronts us with the dilemma of alternative energy sources for the future. The technological advance of alternative energies like solar energy, wind, tidal energy and other, have been developing in the world, but they still have a way to go.

In Colombia, unlike other countries, the wealth of water bodies has allowed the consolidation of clean energy production and hydroelectric plants supply most of the country's energy consumption with a 66%, supported by thermoelectric plants especially in times of water scarcity, further, solar radiation levels, As well as the speed of the winds in certain areas of the country, Colombia has great potential for the development of alternative energies. Despite this, currently the government does not have a clear policy regarding development, incentives, and application of alternative energies.

Until the 31 from December to 2016 The country had in force the Program for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy (Proure) 2010-2015, that promoted the rational and efficient use of energy and promoted alternative energies. This program granted tax incentives to companies: deduction in income tax, accelerated depreciation of assets, VAT exclusion and duty exemption., but nevertheless, its termination and the non-approval of the new PROURE 2017 – 2022 made investment stop, development and implementation of alternative energy projects.

The lesson learned in the Colombian case, is that the main barrier to the implementation of alternative energies is the lack of organization and institutionality that allows generating a regulation that encourages the implementation and use of this type of energy, where the objective is the common good and there are no vested interests. While in the country the entities involved do not agree, investment projects and implementation of alternative energies will not be launched again.

August 12, 2021
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