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How Service Stations are classified

The classification of Service Stations may vary according to the target market, setting, products, brand and / or location, among many other variables, but nevertheless, When grouping them we can show differentiating aspects in the distribution of fuels that allow defining unique parameters to be considered in each one of them.
Depending on the target market, you can find Automotive Service Station, Fluvial, Maritime Aviation and Industrial, next, some characteristics are described for each of them:

a. Automotive Service Station: fuel storage and distribution center, they can be liquid, gas or electric charge. They work for cars, vans, trucks, buses, motorcycles, etc. in general motor vehicles.
Among the most commercial fuels is Gasoline (current and extra according to octane), Diesel and its variations (Diesel more, Biodiesel and grade 1D, 2D y 4 D according to its density) and Natural Gas. Others less commercial are LPG, ethanol, hydrogen, etc.

b. Fluvi Service Stationl: As its name indicates, it is related to rivers, so these facilities store and distribute fuel to freshwater vessels. Small boats and boats usually use gasoline.

c. Maritime Service Station: Establishment related to sea activities, so these facilities store and distribute fuel to saltwater vessels such as ships, ships, world, etc.
For boats there is diesel marin and fuel oil (IFO), used in large boats.

d. Aviation Service Station: Distribution point of liquid fuels for aircraft propulsion. Within which you can find jet fuel, aviation gasoline (exhaust), jet B, bioqueroseno.

e. Industrial Service Station: Exclusive installation for the distribution of fuel as a large consumer with fixed installation, where fuel is stored and distributed for private use

August 12, 2021
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