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Privacy Policy

Altair Engineering S.A.S. (hereafter, “ALTAIR”) considers as a fundamental objective to guarantee and protect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of its Users, in accordance with current legislation.

In order to ensure such objective and, therefore in order to protect your intimacy and privacy, ALTAIR has written this Privacy Center, in order to inform you about: (1) the treatment that ALTAIR carries out of your personal data and (2) all those measures we adopt to guarantee your protection.

The treatment of any personal data of the users collected in the ALTAIR property network will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

The use of the ALTAIR site and any of the services that are incorporated into it, implies full acceptance of the conditions that are manifested in this Privacy Center. Thus, you, the user, states that you have read, understood and accepted them in their entirety, being bound by them..

By submitting any personal data through any type of online forms that are incorporated into the ALTAIR Property Network, you expressly and unequivocally state your consent for the data provided to be: (1) incorporated into a data file owned and responsible for ALTAIR and (2) treated in accordance with the purposes established in this Privacy Center and, in your case, on Altair Services used.

Regarding that information that is sent by minors, it will be an essential requirement that the minor has previously obtained parental consent, of the guardian or legal representative so that personal data can be processed by ALTAIR. ALTAIR understands that from the moment a minor accesses the Portal, you have the permission of your parents, of your guardian or legal representative Whenever ALTAIR asks you for personal data, will include a link (“link”) linked to this Privacy Center in order to inform you of your rights and obligations regarding the protection of personal data.

Area of ​​application
The file structure, information systems and equipment
In order to comply with current legislation, the terms of this Privacy Center, will apply to all files owned by ALTAIR that contain personal data, as well as any equipment or information system that treats them, are owned by ALTAIR or any third party that uses them on its behalf.

ALTAIR staff and processors
The terms collected in the Privacy Center and, specific, the duty of confidentiality, are mandatory for all personnel hired by ALTAIR and for all third parties who, under a contract, have access to personal data and ALTAIR equipment or information systems.

Modification of the privacy center
ALTAIR reserves the right to modify the content of the Privacy Center in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as those that could be derived from existing type codes in the matter or, in your case, by strategic corporate decisions.

If ALTAIR is going to use your personal data in a way other than what is established in the Privacy Center in force at the time you provide us with your data, will make every effort to contact you using the email address you have provided. Nevertheless, if you have not given us permission to contact you, we will not. In any case, Users will be notified of this change by placing a notice on the ALTAIR website

Questions, complaints or suggestions
If you have any questions, complaint or suggestion about this privacy policy or the treatment of your data by ALTAIR, please fill in and send us our feedback form. In the form you are asked to indicate your name and email address. The forms may automatically transmit information about your browser, your operating system, and if you have an ALTAIR ID, all in order to serve you better. Your data will only be used to contact you about your comments if necessary.. The data contained in these forms is stored for up to two months on our servers before being canceled.. The information you submit to us through the ALTAIR form is not stored or associated with other information that ALTAIR may have stored about you if you are a Registered User.. In no case will the data that you provide us through the form be used for marketing campaigns.

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